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My work on pretense
and imagination

I have been working on pretense and imagination from the perspective of embodied and enactive cognition since 2011. See the publication list below. 


I have also organised a conference on Pretend play and E-Cognition in 2019 at Antwerp University. To see its website click here.


That conference was followed by a Special issue in Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences called "Pretense and imagination from the perspective of 4E cognitive science". My introduction co-written with Martin Weichold can be accessed here.


Newest stuff include: a paper on embodied and enactive imaginings in VR (2024), book chapter on enactive imagination, and my response to Peter Langland-Hassan's critique of enactive account of pretense co-written with Marco Facchin (2024)!

- see below -

Rucińska, Z. (in press). Mindshaping Social Roles in Pretend Play. Routledge Handbook on Mindshaping (ed. T. Zawidzki).


Rucińska, Z. (2024). Embodied and Enactive Imagination in VR. Journal of the Philosophy of Games, Vol. 5 (1).

Open access here:


Rucińska, Z. (2024). Enactive Imagination: Its Roots and Contemporary Horizons. In G. Wellner, G. Dierckxsens & M. Arienti (Eds.), The Philosophy of Imagination: Technology, Art, Ethics (pp. 203-215). Bloomsbury.


Facchin, M., & Rucińska, Z. (2024). Public Charades, or how the enactivist can tell apart pretense from non-pretense. Erkenntnis.


Rucińska, Z. & Weichold, M. (2022). The Roles of Language in Pretend Play: A Praxeological Enactivist Approach. Journal of Applied Psycholinguistics 22 (2), 17-29.


Rucińska, Z. & Weichold, M. (2022). Pretense and imagination from the perspective of 4E cognitive science: introduction to the special issue. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences. 21(5), 989-1001.


Weichold, M. & Rucińska, Z. (2022). Pretense as alternative sense-making: a praxeological enactivist account. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 21(5), 1131-1156.


Weichold, M., & Rucińska, Z. (2022). Praxeological Enactivism vs. Radical Enactivism: Reply to Hutto. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 21(5), 1177-1182.


RuciÅ„ska, Z. (2022). Imaginary friend play in light of enactivism. Theory & Psychology 32(2), 202–220.


RuciÅ„ska, Z. (2022). Can role-playing be wrong? An analysis of normativity of play from the perspective of the Enactive Cognitive Science. In Koubová, A., Urban, P., Russell, W., & MacLean, M. (Eds.). Play and Democracy: Philosophical Perspectives (pp. 51-69). New York: Routledge. ISBN 9780367641276


RuciÅ„ska, Z. & Gallagher, S. (2021). Making imagination even more embodied: imagination, constraint and epistemic relevance. Synthese 199, pp. 8143–8170.

DOI: 10.1007/s11229-021-03156-x


Rucińska, Z., Fondelli, T. & Gallagher, S. (2021). Embodied Imagination and Metaphor Use in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Healthcare, 9, 200. healthcare9020200


Gallagher, S., & RuciÅ„ska, Z. (2021). Prospecting performance: rehearsal and the nature of imagination. Synthese, 199 (1-2), 4523-4541.


Rucińska, Z. (2019). Social and Enactive Perspectives on Pretending. Avant, Vol. X, No. 3 


Rucińska, Z. (2019). Pretense and the Enactivist Explanatory Reversal. The Junkyard: A scholarly blog devoted to the study of imagination. (Ed. A. Kind). Published online on 27.11.2019.


Rucińska, Z. (2017). The Role of Affordances in Pretend Play. In C. Durt, T. Fuchs, & C. Tewes (Eds.), Embodiment, Enaction, and Culture: Investigating the Constitution of the Shared World (pp. 257-277). MIT Press. 


Rucińska, Z. (2016). What Guides Pretence? Towards the Interactive and the Narrative Approaches. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 15: 117-133. 


Rucińska, Z. (2016). Enactive Mechanism of Make-Belief Games. In P. Turner (Ed.), Digital Make-Believe (pp. 141-160). Springer International Publishing. 


Rucińska, Z. and Reijmers, E. (2015). Enactive Account of Pretend Play and its Application to Therapy. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 175. Published online on 2 Mar 2015. 


Rucińska, Z. (2015). Pretence: Role of Representations and Intersubjectivity? Doctoral Thesis. University of Hertfordshire, UK.


Rucińska, Z. (2014). Basic Pretending as Sensorimotor Engagement? Lessons from Sensorimotor Theory for the Debate on Pretence. In J.M. Bishop & A.O. Martin (Eds.) Contemporary Sensorimotor Theory: A brief introduction (pp. 175-187). Springer International Publishing. 

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