My work on pretense
and imagination
I have been working on pretense and imagination from the perspective of embodied and enactive cognition since 2011. See the publication list below.
I have also organised a conference on Pretend play and E-Cognition in 2019 at Antwerp University. To see its website click here.
That conference was followed by a Special issue in Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences called "Pretense and imagination from the perspective of 4E cognitive science". My introduction co-written with Martin Weichold can be accessed here.
Newest stuff include: a paper on embodied and enactive imaginings in VR (2024), book chapter on enactive imagination, and my response to Peter Langland-Hassan's critique of enactive account of pretense co-written with Marco Facchin (2024)!
- see below -
Rucińska, Z. (in press). Mindshaping Social Roles in Pretend Play. Routledge Handbook on Mindshaping (ed. T. Zawidzki).
Rucińska, Z. (2024). Embodied and Enactive Imagination in VR. Journal of the Philosophy of Games, Vol. 5 (1). https://doi.org/10.5617/jpg.10633
Open access here: https://journals.uio.no/JPG/article/view/10633
Rucińska, Z. (2024). Enactive Imagination: Its Roots and Contemporary Horizons. In G. Wellner, G. Dierckxsens & M. Arienti (Eds.), The Philosophy of Imagination: Technology, Art, Ethics (pp. 203-215). Bloomsbury.
Facchin, M., & Rucińska, Z. (2024). Public Charades, or how the enactivist can tell apart pretense from non-pretense. Erkenntnis. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10670-024-00787-7
Rucińska, Z. & Weichold, M. (2022). The Roles of Language in Pretend Play: A Praxeological Enactivist Approach. Journal of Applied Psycholinguistics 22 (2), 17-29.
Rucińska, Z. & Weichold, M. (2022). Pretense and imagination from the perspective of 4E cognitive science: introduction to the special issue. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences. 21(5), 989-1001.
Weichold, M. & Rucińska, Z. (2022). Pretense as alternative sense-making: a praxeological enactivist account. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 21(5), 1131-1156.
Weichold, M., & Rucińska, Z. (2022). Praxeological Enactivism vs. Radical Enactivism: Reply to Hutto. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 21(5), 1177-1182.
RuciÅ„ska, Z. (2022). Imaginary friend play in light of enactivism. Theory & Psychology 32(2), 202–220.
RuciÅ„ska, Z. (2022). Can role-playing be wrong? An analysis of normativity of play from the perspective of the Enactive Cognitive Science. In Koubová, A., Urban, P., Russell, W., & MacLean, M. (Eds.). Play and Democracy: Philosophical Perspectives (pp. 51-69). New York: Routledge. ISBN 9780367641276
RuciÅ„ska, Z. & Gallagher, S. (2021). Making imagination even more embodied: imagination, constraint and epistemic relevance. Synthese 199, pp. 8143–8170.
DOI: 10.1007/s11229-021-03156-x
Rucińska, Z., Fondelli, T. & Gallagher, S. (2021). Embodied Imagination and Metaphor Use in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Healthcare, 9, 200. https://doi.org/10.3390/ healthcare9020200
Gallagher, S., & Rucińska, Z. (2021). Prospecting performance: rehearsal and the nature of imagination. Synthese, 199 (1-2), 4523-4541. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11229-020-02989-2
Rucińska, Z. (2019). Social and Enactive Perspectives on Pretending. Avant, Vol. X, No. 3
Rucińska, Z. (2019). Pretense and the Enactivist Explanatory Reversal. The Junkyard: A scholarly blog devoted to the study of imagination. (Ed. A. Kind). Published online on 27.11.2019. https://junkyardofthemind.com/blog/2019/11/23/pretense-and-the-enactivist-explanatory-reversal
Rucińska, Z. (2017). The Role of Affordances in Pretend Play. In C. Durt, T. Fuchs, & C. Tewes (Eds.), Embodiment, Enaction, and Culture: Investigating the Constitution of the Shared World (pp. 257-277). MIT Press.
Rucińska, Z. (2016). What Guides Pretence? Towards the Interactive and the Narrative Approaches. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 15: 117-133.
Rucińska, Z. (2016). Enactive Mechanism of Make-Belief Games. In P. Turner (Ed.), Digital Make-Believe (pp. 141-160). Springer International Publishing.
Rucińska, Z. and Reijmers, E. (2015). Enactive Account of Pretend Play and its Application to Therapy. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 175. Published online on 2 Mar 2015.
Rucińska, Z. (2015). Pretence: Role of Representations and Intersubjectivity? Doctoral Thesis. University of Hertfordshire, UK. https://doi.org/10.18745/th.16554
Rucińska, Z. (2014). Basic Pretending as Sensorimotor Engagement? Lessons from Sensorimotor Theory for the Debate on Pretence. In J.M. Bishop & A.O. Martin (Eds.) Contemporary Sensorimotor Theory: A brief introduction (pp. 175-187). Springer International Publishing.